
The Science Behind Journaling: Why A Pen and Paper Is One of the Strongest Tools in Recovery
The Science Behind Journaling: Why A Pen and Paper Is One of the Strongest Tools in Recovery

To get you started on your journaling journey, we have a free PDF guide with 10 journal prompts to find your motivation in eating disorder recovery. This resource is a great way to get your pen to paper and let the thoughts flow as they will. Sometimes all you need is a spark of inspiration and away you go writing!

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Why are we sticking with Telehealth?
Why are we sticking with Telehealth?

I have had with three fantastic dietitians as a part of my team, and only one of them was actually local at the time hiring (and partway through working for me she actually moved several hours away). Virtual work allows me to hire the best people to work with you so that you are going to get the best care, the best counselors – really, really, awesome people. I don’t want to have to say this is my tiny pool of applicants to choose from, I want to be able to search nationwide for the best providers for you.

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Are You Secretly Struggling With Your Relationship To Food?


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