I am privileged to have a job that I love.
Yep, you heard that right. I love my job.

But how did I get here? And did I always love it?

When I started college my major was pre-veterinary medicine. I was going to be an equine (horse) Veterinarian. I was good at science, I loved horses, and was obsessed with James Herriot (check out the BBC miniseries, or his books), DVM.

But life had other plans.

About half-way through my first year I came to a realization that I did not want to get called out at 3am in the middle of a blizzard (I was in Wisconsin) to stick my arm up a horse’s butt… What can I do with people, and normal hours?

At this same time, I was deep in diet culture. I was restricting, losing weight, and reading every women’s heath diet article magazines had to offer. Yep, I had an eating disorder (though I didn’t know it). While I was reading all those articles, I started noticing some bylines had “Registered Dietitian” as their title. Hmmm, a job helping people lose weight? I’m good at that! So I went to my career counselor and set off to change majors and schools so I could go into nutrition.

Fast forward to the end of my undergrad experience, and I was not using ED behaviors anymore (thank you to my amazing nutrition professors for helping me see the light through the science of the human body) though my mind still had work to do, and I was off to my dietetic internship and becoming an RD. 

Libby Parker

Why did I just tell you all that?
To explain where I came from.
Now we can get into how I got to where I am today, and why it is more meaningful to me.

My first client was a young woman with anorexia nervosa.  Working with her I found a deep passion for psychology and figuring out what makes people have disordered behaviors around food. 

Because of her, so many things happened for me:
– I found eating disorder dietitian mentors that helped me figure out what to do next
​- I read everything I could get my hands on about eating disorder nutrition therapy and eating disorders in general
– I took some psychology classes at a local community college
– I got a business license and officially went into private practice (I had other jobs throughout the years as well, but PP was my first “real job” as a RD)
– I really began to believe the body positivity I was preaching

Today, I have the joy of helping amazing people realize just how amazing they are. I get to spend time getting to know them week after week, as we dig into their fears and dreams, and kick ED to the curb!

I get to teach students and interns about eating disorders, and healthy living.
I get to inspire the next generation to love themselves and ditch diets. 

What a great career to be in.

Libby Parker

My very favorite things are the moments of watching someone “get it,” make change in their life, shift in their mindset, and ultimately work me out of a job (I know, weird – I want you to not need me). The texts and DMs, of how I made an impact in your life, make my day.

You all are amazing. Thank you for giving me my dream job!

​Libby Parker, MS, RD

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